Victoria Cox, Gold Awardee 2009
4th Year Medical Student
“I was awarded my Gold, Silver and Bronze Duke of Ed awards progressively throughout school and finishing two years after I graduated, from the age of 14. In 2009 I was one of the three South Australian representatives at the national Gold Ceremony at the International Forum, held in 2009 at Admiralty House, Sydney. I have also been invited to speak to Bronze and Silver awardees at local SA Award presentations in the past.
I am 21 years old and a 4th year medical student this year, but last year deferred my medical studies to undertake Honours in Biomedical Science where I was awarded First Class Honours for my work in carotid endothelial function and MRI, predicting the risk of stroke and heart disease.
My work and involvement in the Dukes program sparked my interest in the Operation Flinders Foundation, a South Australian program which attracts 'at-risk' teenagers from local high schools to participate in a physically and emotionally gruelling 10 day 100km hiking challenge in the Flinders Rangers. I am currently involved in this program walking as an Assistant Team Leader, and this is a direct result of the experience I gained whilst undertaking my Gold expedition in the Flinders as well. I also have a keen history of involvement in sporting activities (swimming the Rottnest Channel swim, marathon running), play the violin at a high level and have been involved in various leadership roles through University - principally this year being the Adelaide representative on the AMSA National Medical Students Council.
All in all, I have loved being involved with the Dukes program for many years - have extended this love through to the Operation Flinders Foundation - and would love to share some of my experiences with those who are still working through their Awards.”