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While Alice finished her Award before the COVID -19 restrictions were put in place she is still facing struggles of her own and has a word of encouragement for all who are striving to complete their Award during this time.


Why did you decide to do the Award?  

I began with the Bronze level, so I could start to become more involved with my teammates at AAFC and to learn how to work together as part of a team. 


What activities are you doing for your Award? 

Im doing Netball for my  Physical Recreation. Umpiring for Skills, and being part of the AAFC, ticked the boxes for the adventurous journeys and the service components of the award. 


What sort of challenges are you facing in your day-to-day life, as a result of COVID-19? How has this impacted you? 

Not connecting with my friends and family like I usually would have been a challenge. As well as not following my usually busy weekly routine has been odd - a lot of free time! 


Is the Award helping you deal with any of these challenges? If so how? 

I was still finalising with my Award Leader and doing my reports a few weeks ago, which meant that I was able to use my time more productively and I also felt more connected again through talking to my Award Leaders and Assessors. Reflecting back on the Award and what I achieved, could possibly have been the best part, while writing my report I had the biggest smile on my face, because it was bringing back so many happy memories with new friends, as well as reflecting on my own personal achievements. 

Have you had to adapt your Award activities as a result of COVID - 19? if so, how? 

Luckily, I finished the Award just before the COVID-19 major restrictions were implemented, and not connecting with my Award Leader and teammates like I usually was, was a challenge I had to face. I have found comfort in the 'we are all in this together' catchphrase going around because we truly are all in this together! 

Are you using your Award (and particularly your Voluntary Service section) to help your community deal with the challenges of COVID-19? If so, how? 

Even though I have completed my Award, we have been looking after our elderly neighbour who lives next door. She has been worried recently about running out of food as she cannot go out, as well as, she has been feeling lonely. Almost every day, we have an over the fence conversation (from afar) so she gets out of the house and for both of us to socialise! 


What would you say to someone who thinks doing the Award is too hard right now and wants to wait until its easier after the virus? 

There has probably never been a better time to do the Award! 




