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Top ways to Volunteer from home in Australia

Finding a Voluntary Service can be a bit of a challenge. If you are unable to Volunteer in person for an organisation, fear not, finding a voluntary service especially an online one has never been easier. There are plenty of online sites dedicated to helping virtual volunteers find ways to help.

Don’t have fast internet because it has all been spent watching Netflix, youtube and gaming? That’s fine too, there are still plenty of ways that you can help.

Please note that you should always talk to your Duke of Ed Leader before signing up or choosing an activity. If you are struggling to find an Assessor you can always ask your Duke of Ed Leader.

Top ways to volunteer from home in Australia:

1: Write letters to the elderly and hospitalised

Being stuck in hospital or at home can be quite lonely especially when no-one is allowed to visit. Try calling your local hospital and ask if there is someone you could write letters to. 

2: Help the isolated through Emergency Support Volunteering: 

Help someone who is self-isolating or in quarantine by going to the shops for them or doing something else that they can’t. Emergency Support Volunteering:emergency.volunteer.org.au

3: Sew blankets and beanies for premature babies

Make a difference in a little baby’s life by making them a little blanket or beanie. Contact your local hospital or an organisation like Miracle babies to find out if you can help.

4: Transcribe old documents

You can help museums, NFPs and charities by transcribing old documents into digital formats. Click here for more information

5: Create Maps

Missing Maps is an organisation that asks volunteers to review satellite imagery to create maps of place that have never before been mapped. They have 2 key objectives:

  1. To map the most vulnerable places in the developing world, in order that international and local NGOs and individuals can use the maps and data to better respond to crises affecting the areas.
  2. To support OpenStreetMap , specifically the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT), in developing technologies, skills, workflows, and communities.

Click here for more information

6: Make pouches for injured animals

While the bushfires have ended there are always animals in need and the groups who look after them often need animal pouches. Click here for more information

7: Tutoring/ Mentoring younger students

If there is a subject you love or are really good at you may want to help a younger student who is struggling. You can do this via skype, zoom or any video chat.

8: Planting native trees or revegetation projects

Without trees our world dies, they are the best source of oxygen and they are great to look at, so get out there and start planting.

9: Do graphic design for a charity or NFP

If you have a talent in graphic design, why not use it to help a charity or NFP. It also makes for great work experience if you ever want to work in it later.

10: Animal Identification

Keep watch on these trail cameras and let the Western Shield know what animals you see. Will you spot a fox or a rare marsupial? Click here for more information

11:Do online admin for a charity

You can find a job doing online admin through any number of online job boards such as seek volunteer. Doing this is also a great experience that you can put on your resume.

12: Knit trauma teddies for Red Cross

The teddies provide comfort and help take people’s minds off their worries, so download the pattern pick out a nice yarn and make a difference in someone’s life. fun fact: In 2018 alone, the Red Cross distributed more than 50,000 Trauma Teddies to children across the country, thanks to more than 600 volunteer knitters. You could be one of them! Click here for more information

13: Create videos for a charity

If you love editing and making films why not help out a charity and get some experience along the way. Hop on an online job board or email your favourite Charity/ NFP and see if you can make a video for them.

14: Volunteer to Translate with Translators without Borders.

If you are already fluent in another language you can join Translators without Borders and help to translate information from Charities and NFPs. Click here for more information

15: Help the blind with: Be my Eyes

Be My Eyes is a free app that connects blind and low-vision people with sighted volunteers and company representatives for visual assistance through a live video call. Click here for more information

Bonus Idea: Seeing Eye Dogs Puppy Caring

Have you thought about Seeing Eye Dogs Puppy Caring? Carers are supported by regular visits from a Seeing Eye Dogs Trainer to teach basic skills such as toilet training, to sit, and to walk nicely on the lead. Volunteer carers also help to socialise the pup in everyday situations, as pups cannot be left alone for more than 3 hours. The Volunteer commitment is full time for 12 months.

Apply now: sed.visionaustralia.org/puppy-caring/apply-now

Other Helpful Links:

Do Something Near You: Virtual Volunteering dosomethingnearyou.com.au/

Seek Volunteer: www.volunteer.com.au/volunteering?suitablefor=12NSW 

GO Volunteer: govolunteer.com.au/volunteering

UN Volunteers www.onlinevolunteering.org/en

Play for Lives: https://www.playforlives.org/

Emergency Support Volunteering: emergency.volunteer.org.au/

Zooniverse: www.zooniverse.org/

Check out ideas on Skills here and Physical Recreation here
