Physical Recreation
- Acrobatics/Trapeze
- Aerobics
- Athletics
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Canoeing/Kayaking
- Cricket
- Cycling
- Dance
- Football - Soccer
- Football - AFL
- Golf
- Group Fitness
- Gymnastics
- Handball
- Hockey
- Horse riding
- Ice Hockey
- Ice Skating
- Indoor rock climbing
- Jogging
- Jumping (high, long, triple)
- Keep Fit
- Lacrosse
- Martial arts, e.g. karate, aikido, judo, kickboxing, fencing, kendo
- Motorsports
- Netball
- Orienteering
- Personal Training Programs
- Polo
- Rowing
- Rugby
- Running
- Sailing
- Skateboarding
- Skiing/snowboarding
- Skipping
- Soccer
- Softball
- Squash
- Swimming
- Synchronised swimming
- Tennis
- Throwing (hammer, javeline, shotput)
- Volleyball
- Walking
- Water polo
- Weight Training
- Audio Production
- Braille
- Film and video making
- Film studies
- Foreign languages
- Journalism
- Newsletter and magazine production
- Public speaking and debating
- Reading
- Radio, including hosting and producing radio shoes, and audio production
- Sign language
- Website and digital communication production, including blogs, podcasts, information architecture, programming, and front end design
- writing - creative, journalism, essays
Environment and Nature
- Agriculture/farming
- Aquarium keeping
- Astronomy
- Beekeeping
- Birdwatching
- Conservation
- Dog training and handling
- Forestry
- Gardening
- Horticulture
- Horse care and handling
- Insect Study
- Keeping pets
- Weather studies/meteorology
- Backgammon
- Billiards
- Card Games (note that gambling is not permitted)
- Chess
- Darts
- Fantasy role-playing games
- Table games
- Pool
- Model construction
- Model Soldiers
Arts and Design
- Architecture appreciation or building design
- Art history
- Calligraphy
- Choreography
- Dance theory
- Drawing
- Graphic design
- Painting
- Photography
- Sculpture
- Textiles and fashion design
- Basketweaving
- Bookbinding
- Cake decoration
- Candle making
- Card making
- Ceremics
- Clay modelling
- Cookery
- Embroidery
- Flower arranging
- Glass painting
- Glasswork
- Jewellery making
- Knitting
- Lacemaking
- Leatherwork
- Origami
- Quilting
- Sewing
- Scrapbooking
- Rug making
- Soft toy making
- xc
Life and Vocational Skills
- Accounting
- Committee skills
- Coding
- Cooking
- Democracy and political studies
- Drug awareness
- Engineering
- Event planning and organising
- Furniture making
- Furniture restoration
- Hairdressing
- Health Awareness
- Home science
- Information technology
- Learning to drive
- Peer education
- Metalwork
- Money management
- Tailoring
- Woodwork
- Vehicle restoration
- Vehicle mechanics, including cars and motorbikes
- Upholstery
- Bellringing (campanology)
- Disc jockey (Djing)
- Music appreciation
- Musical theory
- Playing and instrument, including learning, practicing, and playing in a band or orchestra
- Singing solo, in a choir, or with a band
- Composing music
- Acting
- Baton twirling
- Choreography
- Drama and theatre skills, including improvisation and street performance
- Circus skills, including juggling
- Puppetry
- Sports officiating
- Umpiring and refereeing
- Sports journalism
- Sports equipment making and maintenance
- Sports ground maintenance
- Flying (insurance restrictions may apply)
- Gliding (insurance restrictions may apply)
Voluntary Service
Ideas for Environmental service volunteering:
- Participating in conservation projets, e.g. clearing weeds, cleaning a river, or caring for injured or threatened fauna
- Caring for a public or school garden
- Providing, maintaining, and encouraging the use of public wastepaper bins
- Working in a clean-up campaign
- Bush and natural environment regeneration
- Joining local Landcare/Bush care groups
Ideas for emergency service volunteering
- Helping an emergency service team, e.g. SES, RFS, CFS/CFA, St John Ambulance, Royal Lifesaving
- Assisting with local or national disaster operations, especially in the recovery phase
Ideas for animal welfare volunteering
- Caring or advocacy for threatened species
- Assisting with organisations which care for neglected, abandoned, or injured animals, such as the RSPCA or WIRES
- Walking the dog of an elderly or disabled person
- Wildlife rescue
Ideas for charity work volunteering
- Fundraising for a charity - this could be through fundraising events like school fundraising drives
- Producing a newsletter for charity
- Creating or maintaining a charity's website
- Helping out at a charity, e.g. a used clothing store or food bank or soup kitchen
- Community education and health education
- Teaching or assisting a person to read
- Assisting at a hospice
Ideas for Community Service
- Help and befriend elderly
- Volunteering at Church / Sunday School / Ministry / Youth Group
- Tutoring
- Visiting people in need, such as elderly or disabled people, on a regular basis to help with shopping, gardening, or other domestic tasks, or simply keep them company
- Voluntary work in hospitals, libraries, and care centres
- Visiting prisons or detention centres, under the auspices of the proper authorities
- Helping with a local community radio or newspaper
Ideas for sports and leadership volunteering
- Coaching / Instructing
- Leader of a Youth Club / School / Sports Club / Organisation
- First aid - doing a course and then making your skills available for the benefit of the local community, e.g. being a first-aider at football matches or dance competitions, etc
- Refereeing/umpiring at junior sporting events
- Participating in patrols with the local Surf Life Saving Club
Ideas for youth work volunteering
- Acting in a leadership role in a youth club, school, or uniformed youth organisation
- Helping other young people participate in The Duke of Ed by acting as a leader for Bronze or Silver Registered Users under the guidance of one's own Duke of Ed Leader
- Community education and health education
- Working with experienced people to educate the local community or specific groups within it about important health issues such as malaria, AIDS, primary health care, or immunisation
- Assisting in the teaching of primary school children
Adventurous Journey
- Bushwalking
- Canoeing
- Cycling
- Horse riding
- Rafting
- Sailing
- Cross-country skiing
- Motor vehicles and sports, e.g. off-road driving
- Scientific/geographic exploration
- Historical/cultural trips
- Experiencing and understanding other languages/ cultures
- Historic train or paddleboat journeys, e.g. if mobility is restricted
- Urban challenge focused on visiting and studying a diverse group of employers
- Flora/fauna studies
- Environmental studies
- Exploration of old cemeteries
Gold Residential Project
Personal and skills training courses
- Residential language courses
- Leadership training
- Skills development (e.g. music, art and crafts)
- Ecology study course
- Youth camps
- Youth parliaments
Voluntary Service to other people and communities
- Provision or maintenance of facilities or equipment
- Construction projects
- Assisting as a leader at a camp for young people
- Working with a local or overseas aid charity
- Working in a care home or hospital
Environment and conservation projects
- Volunteer work with national parks
- Environmental clean-up
- Habitat restoration
- Research on habitats and ecosystems
- Restoration projects, e.g. buildings Voluntary Service to other people and communities
- Outdoor adventure courses
- Sports coaching courses
- Sport skills development and representative sport tours
- Crewing on a tall ship