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Duke of Ed digital credentials

Showcase your non-formal education skills and achievements.

Complete your Duke of Ed Bronze, Silver or Gold Level and qualify for a Duke of Ed digital credential, in the form of a digital badge. Easily manage and share proof of completion of your Duke of Ed Level to potential employers, tertiary education providers and more!

A digital badge is like an online certificate but more powerful!

  • Showcase your skills and knowledge developed through the Duke of Ed.
  • Share proof of your Duke of Ed achievements in real time via online applications, resumes, social media and more!
  • Trusted by many employers and educators through instant verification.

Did you know?

Digital credentials are more portable and tamper-proof than traditional completion certificates? Our digital badges are secure and cannot be faked, altered or stolen.

Completed your Bronze, Silver or Gold Level?

Keep an eye out for an email invitation from our digital credentialing platform, Credly, for details on how to access, manage and share your Duke of Ed achievements.

It's as easy as...

Step 1 - envelope icon
Look for your badge
Step 2 - Tick icon
Accept your badge
Share your badge!

Badge earners gain a competitive edge in the job market by showcasing their commitment to skill development and continuous learning. (Credly)

Using digital credentials
  • What needs to be done once the email from Credly, issuing the digital badge, has been received? In the email received from admin@credly.com, there will be information about the credential that has been earnt (Duke of Ed Bronze, Silver, or Gold Level) and instructions about how to accept, or claim, the badge. Recipients need to create an account on Credly to accept the badge and use the platform for storing and sharing.
  • Where can digital badges be shared? You can easily share your badge to anyone via email, embed the link in your resume, share via Seek, use in online application forms for tertiary education applications, or share to social media sites such as LinkedIn.
  • How do digital badges get shared? To share a badge, log in to your account on credly.com, select the badge you'd like to share and click the Green ‘Share’ button at the top of the page. You will be brought to the ‘Share Badge’ screen, where you can find different tabs directing you to connect your social media accounts and share your badge.
  • Can badges received for Duke of Ed be transferred to other digital wallets? Yes! You can download your badge from Credly. It includes unique data that lets you upload it to other badge sites and digital wallets, allowing you to organise badges you receive in whichever way you want.
For more information about receiving, managing and sharing digital badges from Credly, visit their resources at Credly Support.
Tell me more about Credly
  • What is Credly?
    Credly is a world-leading digital credentialing platform that helps organisations issue digital badges and individuals manage the badges they are issued. Credly uses special technology to create and manage these badges so that you can share and prove your skills online and these can’t be easily copied by anyone else. Credly has been used to issue over 100 million unique credentials worldwide.
  • Is there a fee to use Credly?
    Only to the organisation issuing the badges (i.e. The Duke of Ed). There is no cost to badge earners for the badge or to use the platform to manage their Duke of Ed badges and any other digital credentials they receive.
  • How safe is the Credly platform?
    Credly has certified compliance with GDPR and other global Privacy and data security requirements.
  • Is there an app where I can manage and share my badges?
    Yes, there is a Credly app available on either App Store or Google Play. Download for easy access to manage and share badges.
  • What information does the Credly platform store about Duke of Ed Users?
    The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award – Australia only shares a User’s first and last name, email address and the Duke of Ed Level achieved for Credly to be able to populate, issue and store the badges.
  • Where can we find out more about data privacy and security for the Credly platform.
    For more information on these topics, visit https://info.credly.com/data-security-privacy

For more information about receiving, managing and sharing digital badges from Credly, visit their resources at Credly Support.

Where to for user support or technical assistance?
  • Where can support materials on how to share and manage digital badges be found?
    Check out Credly’s support materials for tutorials and answers to other questions you might have. If you can’t find what you’re looking for there, or you need technical support submit a query for the customer support team at Credly to respond to.
  • What if a badge recipient is having technical issues?
    Please get in touch with Credly support by submitting a request. One of their representatives will resend the badge notification email for the rejected badge. The badge will then be available for you to accept and share again.
  • What if I only want people that I share the badge with to be able to see it?
    You can change your privacy settings in Credly so that you control who sees your badge. The profile needs to be publicly visible to share the badges but the searchability of your profile can be turned off. This means only people that you share the badge with can see your profile and badges.

Need help or support?

Visit the Credly support hub https://support.credly.com/hc/en-us 