The Duke of Ed challenges young people like you to find your purpose, passion and place in the world to become #WORLDREADY
The Duke of Ed challenges young people like you to find your purpose, passion and place in the world to become #WORLDREADY
It is a life-changing experience. A fun time with friends or to make some new ones. An opportunity to discover new interests and talents. A way to develop cool skills for life and work. It can even help you get a job or with your higher education goals.
If you are between 14 - 24 you can complete the Duke of Ed - it doesn’t matter about your ability, gender, background or location - this is for you!
Achieving your Duke of Ed isn’t a competition or about being first, it's all about setting personal challenges and getting out of your comfort zone.
There are three awesome Levels you can do! Bronze, Silver and Gold. Do the Bronze Level first, then challenge yourself to go onto Silver and Gold. You can choose any activities you want to do. You can do something you’re already doing or try something completely new!